For undergraduates, the department offers programs of study in statistics and probability. These are disciplines treating situations which involve uncertainty, such as deciding whether a new drug is better than an old one, analyzing errors of measurement in scientific experiments, determining public attitudes in an opinion poll, and designing an express-way to minimize traffic congestion. Random phenomena such as these are handled through the use of probability models, which serve as guides in decision making, interpretation of data, and allocation of resources.
Some courses in the curriculum emphasize the construction of probability models, whereas others focus upon the application of these models, the analysis of data, and the design of experiments. In the study of statistics, students use and enrich their mathematical expertise and orient their study of the mathematical sciences toward use in society.
The Department of Statistics offers a program leading to the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in statistics. Statistics is the science of analyzing random events and their associated data. The goals of the analysis are to describe the properties and characteristics of the data visually and numerically, to provide a model for the underlying events which takes into account the randomness of the phenomena, and to make accurate predictions of future events. In the study of statistics, students use and enrich their mathematical expertise and orient their study of the statistical methodology toward useful and relevant purposes in society. Significant opportunities for well-trained persons in statistics arise in many career environments, such as the social sciences, the natural sciences, business, industry, the health services, and government services. Flexible, individually-planned programs of study for minors or majors, including an honors option, are available.