Research suggests that American Jews increasingly connect to Jewish learning and identity through cultural events, arts organizations, social networks, and informal educational experiences, outside the traditional hubs of Jewish schools and synagogues. There is growing need, therefore, for well-prepared professionals who can produce quality Jewish cultural programming and educational experiences. Toward that end, the Master's in Experiential Jewish Education (EJE) is dedicated to exploring:
What themes, approaches, and cultural experiences engage Jewish audiences
What pedagogical approaches allow Jewish institutions to maximize their impact
How can the principles of experiential education enrich the Jewish cultural arts, engagement with Israel, and community-serving enterprises
Partnering theory with practice, and the classwork with fieldwork, the EJE curriculum enables students to become competent, creative, and reflective Jewish education professionals. The program:
Inspires students to develop exciting and relevant programming for a range of audiences,
Offers full-time students a year-long series of internships at cultural arts, social justice & community engagement, Israel education, and other educational institutions, and part-time students flexibility to learn while continuing to work in the field, and
Develops professional skills including budgeting, grant writing, workplace collaboration, and effective communication.