Harvard offers outstanding opportunities for students who wish to pursue studies in Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS). Students may focus on geological science, environmental geoscience, solid earth geophysics, geochemistry, geobiology, atmospheric and ocean science, and planetary science. Incorporating biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, mathematics, and the Earth sciences, the EPS concentration prepares students to address some of the most pressing issues of our time. As never before, we must understand the consequences of human activities for the Earth's atmosphere, the oceans, the solid Earth, and the organisms that live on it. Exploring for, extracting, and conserving natural resources are vital to the global economy. We must mitigate the effects of earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and severe weather by learning to predict their time and place. As a result, opportunities in Earth and planetary sciences are diverse, spanning the private, government, and academic sectors. Government service includes research and administration in NASA, the EPA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency, the US Geological Survey, and many other agencies and departments. Earth scientists work for oil and mineral exploration and production companies. There also are abundant opportunities in the academic world, and for entrepreneurs who build companies specializing in environmental needs.