The Human Development and Education (HDE) Program prepares you to support the unique needs and growth of all learners whether you are interested in exploring a direct service role, starting a nonprofit organization, engaging in clinical or counseling work, or pursuing doctoral research. By linking theories and pioneering research with practice and policy about child, adolescent, and adult development, you will have opportunities to examine different developmental domains including cognitive, emotional, social, moral, and neurological as well as design strategies and interventions to promote healthy development.
After completing the HDE Program, you will have a deeper understanding of the following competencies that explore how:
Learning and development are lifelong processes, with a predictable sequence at the population level and significant variation at the individual level
Learning and development are active and interactive, driven by maturity and experience levels
Ecological factors including families, teachers, schools, communities, neighborhoods, and culture influence learning and development
Evaluation of evidence and research from human developmental science can inform effective change strategies to lead, design, and implement intervention, prevention, and support efforts
Engagement in continuous learning can emerge from reflective practice, community involvement, and evaluation of intervention, prevention, and support efforts