We prepare students for careers as psychologists, research scientists, community health and wellness professionals, and university and college faculty who advance the use of culturally responsive personality theories, methods, and approaches to promote health and wellness, emotional intelligence, and racial and gender inclusion and equity.
The APA-accredited Ph.D. program in Psychology (specialization in Personality Psychology) at Howard's Graduate School provides rigorous training in the study of the affective, cognitive, sociocultural, biological, and motivational processes underlying psychological differences among individuals. Our Ph.D. program in Personality Psychology emphasizes a strong grounding in contemporary theoretical orientations in personality psychology and multi-method approaches that combine personality measurement and assessment, self-report and direct behavioral observation, narrative and life story methods, experience, correlational, longitudinal, and dyadic sampling methods, survey and field research design, measurement of electrodermal, electromyographic, and cardiovascular activity, fMRI, and peripheral psychophysiology.