The Graduate Program in Neuroscience is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary training program at Iowa State University that offers the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The Neuroscience training program offers a broad spectrum of Neuroscience research opportunities, ranging from the molecular to the cellular to the systems level of analysis. The program includes over 40 faculty from the departments of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Genetics, Development and Cell Biology, Kinesiology, Mechanical Engineering, and Psychology.
Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of scholarly literature in Neuroscience.
Form testable hypotheses and articulate research objectives that, when met, will lead to significant contributions to Neuroscience.
Conduct qualitative and/or quantitative research via appropriate acquisition, analysis, and reporting of data.
Interpret research results appropriately, integrating them into the existing knowledge in Neuroscience.
Clearly and accurately communicate research findings orally and in writing, and often through the use images (tables, figures, and other forms of imagery) and electronic or other forms of media.
Articulate how the graduate program, including coursework and creative scholarship, fits into life and career goals.
Conduct scholarship, in teams or with independence, in ways that consistently demonstrate ethical practice and professionalism.