The Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology is ideal for students interested in pursuing a health sciences career. This is also the Psychology degree program most suited for students who have an interest in neuroscience, particularly at the graduate level. The BSc is the most interdisciplinary of our psychology degrees, exposing students to biology, chemistry, math, and physics in addition to a broad array of psychology courses. This degree is also very “hands-on” with students being exposed to lab and research experiences as well as developing technical writing skills and workplace expertise.
The degree was developed in close connection with employers in the field and community partners, and has an applied focus that prepares students for employment upon graduation, for research-focused graduate studies, or for entry into professional programs of study. Many courses within this program have a lab component. The program takes a systemsecological approach, recognizing the interrelationships between humans and their environments.
As part of their upper-level coursework, students will take courses across three main topical areas within Psychology:
research skills;
biological psychology; and
health psychology.
The degree will be embedded throughout with psychological application, including hands-on lab experience and courses focusing on human interaction with modern technology, professional business practices, and technical writing. Students also participate in a workplace practicum coordinated by KPU and co-supervised by faculty and employers in relevant fields of employment. This practicum placement will assist students in gaining workplace experience and in meeting potential future employers.
Students interested in applying to graduate school or who prefer a more extensive research experience are encouraged to apply to the Honours program. The Honours program affords students an opportunity to develop and report on a research project under the direct supervision of a faculty member within the Psychology Department. BSc. in Applied Psychology students can complete the Honours program within the 40 courses required for the degree.
Career Opportunities
A student who successfully completes the BSc in Applied Psychology, will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:
Critically examine the research literature
Contribute effectively to a seminar discussion
Deliver a presentation based on primary source research
Communicate ideas effectively in written and oral forms
Critically evaluate primary and secondary source material
Develop a research program
Apply skills in a relevant work setting
Demonstrate solid ethical decision making both in research and practice
Work within an interdisciplinary framework
Demonstrate comprehensive and critical understanding of statistical and methodological approaches to scientific inquiry
Demonstrate a working knowledge of various scientific technologies and techniques
The degree was developed in close collaboration with industryemployers to ensure positive outcomes and maximum opportunities. Graduates of this degree could therefore find employment in areas such as health sciences, vocational rehabilitation mental health services, disability services, software usability research, program evaluation, research and design, and pharmaceutics, among other opportunities. They would also be well prepared for post-graduate programs in a variety of health professions. Students who complete the Honours option would be well prepared for research-focused graduate studies in neuroscience, psychology, counselling, public policy, and other areas.