The field of Gender and Women's Studies has transformed dramatically since its introduction to Lakehead University in 1990. Alongside women’s experiences and gendered systems, you will examine elements of: Sexuality, Queer Theory, Law, Masculinity, Transnational Activism, Ecofeminism, Social Justice, Pop Culture, Embodiment.
Through these topics and more, it is our goal to demonstrate how people are constrained by various ideological notions and how these notions can be challenged to facilitate equality. Our Department of Women’s Studies takes an interdisciplinary approach to feminism. Our faculty members are prominent in the fields of feminist legal studies, women’s health, queer studies, cultural and new media studies and teach related courses that easily springboard our students into the Masters of Social Justice and related postgraduate programs, law schools across Canada, midwifery, policing, and many others.
As a Women’s Studies Honours student you are free to combine your studies with a joint major in Gerontology, Psychology, History, English, Indigenous Learning, Sociology, Outdoor Recreation, or Concurrent Education, as well as Concentration or Specialization options with Social Work.