Our music degree programs have been carefully designed to offer students a fine balance between academic and performance courses. As a student, you will explore the various dimensions of music through courses taught by teachers of national and international stature as well as receive mentorship opportunities from seasoned musicians and professionals in the field. As a music student, you will have the opportunity to take courses in: Performance, Theory, Conducting, Composition, Orchestration, Canadian Music, World Music, Pedagogy.
It is our goal to develop your talent as both a soloist and a collaborative musician, and cultivate your creativity by exposing you to diverse musical genres, traditions, and innovations. Instruction is available in all orchestral instruments as well as: Classical Guitar, Piano, Voice, Saxophone, Organ. You will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of music ensembles such as: Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, New Music Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble. Our strong community connections open the door to academic and professional opportunities with the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra, New Music North, Consortium Aurora Borealis, and more. You will be able to share your talent and develop your professional skills as you progress through the program.