Childhood & Youth is an exciting, multidisciplinary subject in which you will explore a range of issues and challenges faced by children and young people in contemporary society, both here in the UK and on a global level. Drawing on key ideas from sociology, politics, history, social policy and cultural studies, the degree examines important questions about children and young people and the social contexts in which they live.
Topics studied include: how children and young people's place in society has changed over time, how social class, poverty, gender, ethnicity, disability, social policy and so on impact children and young people's lives, the role of risk and risk-taking in children and young people's everyday lives and, how children and young people make sense of and help to shape their social worlds. In exploring such issues you will also look at various political debates and policy initiatives, as well as learning about various ways of researching with children and young people that aim to help them overcome the many challenges that they face.
With its strong emphasis on social justice and welfare, the degree will enable you to develop as critical social scientists who value their role within the academic community at Hope and who, as graduates, will be able to use their skills and knowledge to the benefit of their local community and society more broadly.
Law shapes our society and influences every aspect of our lives. It defines our obligations and legal requirements, serves to regulate and define relationships and provides a means of redress when problems arise. To study Law is not only to study a challenging subject, but also to study the rules, principles and policies that underpin society. This degree gives you a theoretical and philosophical grounding in Law, as well as the ability to engage in its practical study and application.
Study Law with us and you will gain an understanding of the fundamental principles, theories and key ideas that underpin the law in England and Wales. You also learn about the way Public Law provides the legal framework within which government and administration functions, the structure of Law and Government under which we live, and the values of democracy, rule of law and constitutionalism that underpin that structure.
We aim to produce graduates who do not merely know or know how to, but understand why things are as they are and how they could be different. It is about gaining a deep approach to the subject, in which you try to relate ideas in one subject to those in others, to understand what you read, questioning material, making links and pursuing lines of inquiry out of interest.
The LLB degree and Joint degrees can be taken over 3 or 4 years. If taken over 4 years, the third year would be spent in an appropriate legal work experience setting in light of the requirements set down to undertake the Solicitors Qualify Exams.