Designed to provide you with specialized knowledge and skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, encompassing related technologies such as sensors, actuators, control systems, Internet of Things, software programming, and user-centred design. You will gain valuable experience through hands-on learning in dedicated laboratories and immersive learning environments.This course has been meticulously designed to provide students with comprehensive technical knowledge, hands-on experience, and a diverse set of transferable skills. It equips them to excel in industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and technology, where the demand for highly skilled engineers is growing rapidly. These industries rely on the expertise of engineers to create and implement AI systems, autonomous robots, and cybernetic solutions.The course focuses on developing proficiency in robotics, sensors, actuators, control systems, networking, and artificial intelligence for various engineering applications. The first two years of the course lay a solid foundation in subjects essential to all engineering disciplines, encompassing Electronic Systems, Programming, AI, Microprocessors, Embedded Systems, and Network Engineering. In the third year, students have the opportunity to specialize in a specific area within AI and Robotics, which includes Applied Robotics, Computer Vision, Bio-inspired AI and Security, Sensors, Actuators, and Control. This year also involves an individual project. The choice of the project topic is not prescriptive, and we encourage students to select a subject of mutual interest to both themselves and their supervisor.