The study of anthropology provides a strong background for students who intend to specialize in any of the social sciences and humanities or in medicine, nursing, social work, education, law, business, government, communications, and many other fields that require a nuanced understanding of decolonization, global processes, and a strong grounding in the cross-cultural study of human histories, languages, identities, and behaviours. Students of anthropology have gone on to find employment with public, private and non-government organizations in diverse fields, including: academia and public policy, print, radio, and television journalism, documentary film-making, healthcare, international development, and social and environmental activism.
Anthropology explores how people and groups across the globe engage with the social, cultural, political, and economic processes that shape the contemporary world.
Anthropologists spend extended periods of time with the people whose lives they study in order to understand their practices, languages, and teachings as well as how they are entangled with systems of power.
Anthropologists facilitate cross-cultural understanding and critical engagement with global problems.
Length: Four years