Critical Race and Ethnic Studies fosters the study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity in an interconnected world. By understanding theories of race and ethnicity, youll gain insights on pressing issues such as colonialism, imperialism, diasporas, capitalism, cultural production, public policy, social activism, and anti-colonial and anti-racist struggles. Courses comprising this major allow students to engage in comparative studies to explore the experiences of racial, ethnic, and indigenous groups across geographic areas and from a wide range of fields. In addition to a shared core curriculum, the CRES major offers options for a social group concentration, a comparative race and ethnicity concentration, and students also have the option of a self-designed concentration.
The Critical Race and Ethnic Studies major is designed to prepare students not only for graduate academic programs in the field of Race and Ethnic Studies but also for careers in law, public health, social work, education, business, diplomacy, politics, the arts, and advocacy.