Engineering Management provides an interdisciplinary approach for addressing the complexities of today's world. Highly competitive global businesses require employees with a solid technical foundation, business expertise, an entrepreneurial mindset, and the leadership skills afforded by a broad liberal education. The Engineering Management program includes courses in engineering, business/entrepreneurship, science, mathematics, and the liberal arts. It is designed to develop your engineering and business expertise, social awareness, and interpersonal communication skills. Students earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree. Students who complete the Entrepreneurship concentration cannot also be awarded the Entrepreneurship minor.
Develop a solid technical background along with business knowledge and societal awareness. Learn to communicate effectively. Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations. Make informed judgments considering the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. This interdisciplinary program offers a core of coursework both in engineering and business, giving you a strong technical background coupled with business management skills. As a graduate, you will be qualified to fill technical positions that require interaction with business aspects of operations, purchasing, personnel, accounting, and marketing. Examples of such positions include technical sales, line supervision, purchasing, environmental protection, and quality control.
This concentration focuses on product and process design. It requires the ability to plan the practices of manufacturing, to research and develop tools, manufacturing processes, machines, equipment, and control strategies, and to integrate the facilities and systems so that quality products can be produced at a competitive cost. The additional student outcomes for this concentration are: an ability to design manufacturing processes, products, and the corresponding processing machinery an ability to create competitive advantage by manufacturing planning, strategy, and control an ability to analyze, synthesize, and control manufacturing operations using statistical methods and to make technical inferences about a manufacturing process by measuring process variables.