Graduate study leading to a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology, with an applied focus, is offered by the Department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures. Degree requirements include a thesis, a one-semester or one-summer long internship (5 hours credit), an oral exam, and 25 hours of graduate course work. Students may elect to specialize either in applied archaeology, including bioarchaeology, or in applied cultural anthropology.
The program in applied archaeology focuses on cultural resources management, including preparation in archaeological method and theory, proposal writing, consulting practices, and ethics. Specialty areas include archaeological surface survey and excavation methods, artifact analysis, settlement pattern analysis, environmental archaeology, and osteoarchaeology. The areal emphasis is the Southeastern U.S., although principles and methods are adaptable to application anywhere.
The applied cultural anthropology specialization emphasizes environmental anthropology, medical anthropology, development anthropology, economic anthropology, buisness anthropology, and urban anthropology. Faculty expertise spans the United States of America, Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa, and students can choose to pursue thesis topics in the United States of America or internationally. Ethnographic research methods, as practiced in applied settings, are emphasized. The program focuses on preparing students for placement in the public and private sectors as professional anthropologists, as well as preparing them for further graduate study.