The Photography Concentration trains students to be contemporary image-makers capable of working confidently with multimedia platforms. Through the first half of the concentration students will test aperture ranges, shutter speeds, lenses, lighting tools, and filtration options on a wide variety of subjects, explore over and under exposure and RAW processing and the effect on the look of an image, complete a photographic and multimedia documentary essay, including a written artist's statement, and a fine-art body of work on a single cohesive theme.
Throughout the program, students gain proficiency in Adobe Photoshop the pre-eminent digital darkroom tool and practice non-destructive image editing, learn the power of RAW processing, how to target and shift colors with precision, plus professional selection and masking techniques. As students examine a wide range of imaging disciplines, they also practice the essential skills to run a successful practice, including research, bidding, self-promotion, marketing, personal presentation, stock photo sales, studio organization, contracts, exhibition, licensing, publishing and artist grants.
In the second half of the Concentration, students build on their basic skill set and are challenged to refine their technical, aesthetic and business skills. Focusing on commercial image-making, students look at established masters as they work intensively with studio lighting and the DSLR on fashion, product, beauty, and architectural assignments. In post-production, students move beyond basic color and tonal correction into sophisticated compositing techniques, dynamic range extensions, advanced retouching and masking techniques. Students will also explore the creative potential of unconventional cameras, and get familiar with the high-definition video capabilities of today's state-of-the-art DSLR cameras.
To support their classroom experiences, students must complete and present a personal body of work to contemporary exhibition standards as well as a commercial photo project, working with models, an art director, sets, and professional lighting equipment.