The Corporate Finance Track provides rigorous training in corporate financial decision-making, including value creation, corporate governance, and agency issues and the markets for corporate claims and corporate control, including the role of financial intermediaries. Elective courses can be chosen to emphasize financial management and reporting, entrepreneurship, banking, or international issues. With an appropriate choice of elective courses, this track provides in-depth preparation for careers in investment banking, private equity, venture capital, equity research, credit analysis, corporate treasury, financial consulting, corporate accounting and audit, tax and law, global finance (e.g., IMF, World Bank), central banking, and regulation (e.g., SEC), economic consulting and policy, as well as graduate school in finance, economics, or accounting.
The NYU Stern School of Business offers a STEM-certified Bachelor of Science degree that integrates an exceptional business education with a grounding in the liberal arts. By combining courses in business fundamentals with a broad-based liberal arts foundation, future business leaders are given the skills, expertise, and intellectual sophistication needed to advance in today's dynamic business environment. The curriculum emphasizes global perspectives, social responsibility, and professional ethics, as well as communication and interpersonal skills. Classes are taught by award-winning faculty and respected business thought leaders in New York, nationally, and abroad.
NYU Stern students take elective courses from across the University to broaden their intellectual experience. Students may also pursue a minor or a second major in the College of Arts & Science in areas ranging from psychology to the fine arts, or they can choose to minor at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, & Human Development, the Tisch School of the Arts, the Tandon School of Engineering, or the Silver School of Social Work. Students can also participate in one of NYU Stern's many cross-school interdisciplinary minors offered in conjunction with the College of Arts & Science, the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education & Human Development, the Tisch School of the Arts, and the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. NYU Stern also offers a comprehensive variety of semester abroad programs and short-term immersion opportunities.