The theoretical nuclear and particle physics group investigates a broad range of topics relating to the fundamental interactions of matter. These include the study of quantum chromodynamics, confinement, large-N theories and volume dependence, topological excitations, the quark structure of mesons and baryons, hadronic interactions, hadronic matter under extreme conditions, photonuclear reactions, heavy ion collisions, cold atomic systems, superfluidity, viscous hydrodynamics, electroweak symmetry breaking, neutrino mixing, neutrino interactions with nucleons and nuclei, stellar evolution, supernovae, nucleosynthesis, the early universe, tests of the standard model, light-front quantization, effective field theory and lattice supersymmetry. The Department of Physics offers outstanding graduate programs to prepare graduates for bright futures in academia and physics careers. Our Ph.D. program offers an exciting intellectual climate and a strong emphasis on research that advances the frontiers of physics. Our two M.S. programs (with thesis and without) prepare students to continue on to a Ph.D. degree or pursue career options. We envision North Carolina State University's Department of Physics as performing creative, highly visible research in fundamental and applied science. Our vision blends fundamental physics and applications, theory and experiment, and integrates research and innovative teaching to create a vibrant intellectual atmosphere within a welcoming and collegial environment.