The ASM major in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources is administered by the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. The ASM program leads to a Bachelor of Science degree and includes core requirements in mathematics, communications, sciences, humanities and social sciences. In the major, students complete technical systems courses in machine principles, power systems, computer applications, materials handling, site specific agriculture, environmental resources management, electrical systems and electronics, and information/decision support technology. The curriculum balances hands-on knowledge of technology with instruction in agricultural sciences and agribusiness principles. A degree is awarded after completion of a minimum of 128 credits. The ASM curriculum has the flexibility to permit individuals from both rural and urban backgrounds to develop a program to meet personal career objectives. Minors may be developed in related fields of production agriculture, agribusiness or in fields that add curriculum diversity, e.g., international studies, communication, natural resources management, business administration, accounting, or industrial management. ASM students are encouraged to consider practical work experience during their college program. Cooperative Education provides opportunities for students to gain valuable career related experience. Applied Business Option (Standard Option) 27 credits - Students select courses to enhance curriculum diversity in their areas of interest, such as communication, international studies, industrial management, construction management or food processing.