The master's degree program in electrical and computer engineering offers in-depth coursework within the concentration-choice-related areas. The curriculum is integrated and intensive and is built on state-of-the-art research, taught by faculty who are experts in their areas.
Northeastern's Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the opportunity to pursue cutting-edge learning and research in the following areas: computer architecture, parallel computing, fault tolerance, performance analysis and modeling, security, embedded systems, VLSI, algorithms, data mining, testing, machine learning, machine vision and software engineering, signal and image processing, biomedical signal processing and brain-computer interface, pattern recognition, adaptive signal processing, wireless and underwater communications, information theory and coding, robust and distributed control, optics, photonics, acoustics, and magnetics sensors, radio frequency chip design, digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits, low-power very-large-scale integration, modeling and analysis of large scale power grids during normal operation and under faults, dc-dc converters, inverters, rectifiers, and ac-ac converters, as well as modulation techniques used in power electronics.