This course has both eyes (and hands) on the technological side of design the making and manufacturing of products, systems, and services. It's a great option if youre naturally curious about design engineering, and looking for a practical, hands-on approach.
Well be analysing form and function in design, encouraging your creativity whilst also taking a specialist's dive into areas like electronics and robotics, mechatronic techniques, materials testing, and manufacturing. Well explore the emerging trends things like UX, smart technology, and sustainability.
In product teardowns, youll reverse engineer items from the inside, and then design out their flaws, on site visits, youll receive live project briefs from some of the industry's biggest players, wholl review and feedback on your work. You could even test your skills on a year-long professional placement, our previous assignments have included TATA, Samsung, Autodesk (San Francisco), and Hubs (Amsterdam).
Weve developed this course to ensure youre not just an option for employers, but their priority. Youll graduate with a designer's eye for innovation, an engineer's skill in manufacturing, and a CEO's appetite for the bottom line. That's a powerful package and it's why our graduates secure work with companies like Dyson, Tesco, PepsiCo, Disney, Unilever, and McLaren F1.