Virtual production has quickly established itself in the entertainment industries, connecting specialists across VFX, film and game technology.
The UK is facing unprecedented demand for those with the skillset in virtual production, and on this Masters degree well equip you with the knowledge and experience to make it in the entertainment industry.
Virtual production combines physical and virtual elements using a suite of software tools, and its at Confetti where youll get to learn and work with industry-standard equipment and software. As well as learning from industry experts, youll also work alongside Masters and undergraduate students studying in related courses, including Esports Production, Games Production, Film Production, and Content Creation.
The course will cover: Undertaking comprehensive research and enquiry to advance knowledge in the field of Virtual Production. Critically evaluating the potential for innovation in the application of production technologies in the creation of high-end content in the Virtual Production environment. Issues relating to sustainability, ethics and legal frameworks when developing high end content in the Virtual Production Environment. Strategic approaches to leadership, management, and problem-solving when working as part of a team in a Virtual Production environment. Critically reflecting on your own work produced in a Virtual Production environment. The global impact of Virtual Production, and the potential impact of new and emerging technologies. Learning techniques of research and enquiry in authentic work-like contexts to create and interpret knowledge in Virtual Production. Creating ethical, diverse, and inclusive high-end content for specific target audiences, demonstrating innovation, and originality through the application of appropriate Virtual Production technologies. Developing resilience and initiative on a range of complex Virtual Production projects through established and emerging production management techniques and problem-solving strategies. Different ways of working. Working in flexible, creative, and independent ways, showing self-discipline, self-direction, critical self-awareness, and reflexivity when working both independently and in teams.