About this courseOccupational Therapy helps people to live meaningful and independent lives, supporting people to do what is important to them. Present in hospitals, communities, schools, workplaces, prisons, care homes and many other settings, Occupational Therapists provide help to individuals to support them to overcome barriers and carry out activities that are meaningful to them.The course is wide-ranging, holistic, focused and will enable you to explore many different opportunities in the UK and abroad.At NTU we offer learning experiences and environments that will prepare you for the varied career that you are about to embark upon, including a range of simulation teaching spaces such as our therapeutic kitchen, a domestic suite, hospital wards, consulting rooms, a virtual reality (VR) suite, and access to green space for outdoor teaching.Accreditation and approvalThis course is accredited by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, and approved by the Health and Care Professions Council.How you’re taughtThe nature of the teaching is collaborative, with sharing of ideas.You will be encouraged to have an enquiring mind, be creative, resourceful, take on new opportunities and to discuss your learning with your peers. You will be part of a larger department with students from Nursing, Paramedicine and Public Health, enabling interprofessional opportunities to give you a wider perspective. The course has been created alongside people with lived experience, Occupational Therapists in practice and students from other programmes within the department.How you’re assessedAssessment types include:EssaysReflective accountsObjective structured clinical examination (OSCE)PresentationsAcademic postersMultiple choice and short answer question examsProfessional discussionGroup exercisesCareers and employabilitySuccessful completion of this course will provide eligibility to register with the Health and Care Professions Council under the protected title of Occupational Therapist.Occupational Therapy is a career that can provide many exciting opportunities, working with individuals, groups and communities across public, private and third sector organisations. Our course will prepare you through the development of strong links to East Midlands NHS Trusts, Schools and private sector organisations.As a student you will experience practice based learning across a number of settings, meaning you gain real life experience to ensure you have the confidence, knowledge and skills within Occupational Therapy to embark on a successful career. The provision of four placements enables the opportunity for role emerging placements, which promote the value of Occupational Therapy in new areas of health and social care. These placements enable learners to develop a strong professional identity as an Occupational Therapists.