The School of Science and Technology at Nottingham Trent University offers opportunities to study for a PhD by research. Supervision is available by full-time or part-time study, and can sometimes be provided by distance learning. Nottingham Trent University offers opportunities to study for a PhD by research in all its academic schools. Supervision is available by full-time or part-time study, and can sometimes be provided by distance learning. Research in the School of Science and Technology is rich and diverse, with staff conducting internationally recognised and world-leading research. Research is clustered in Research Centres and units, providing a focus for different themes with their underpinning platforms: Biomedical Sciences and the John Van Geest Cancer Research Centre -Internationally excellent research environment - Our Biomedical Research is world-leading and involves staff with broad academic backgrounds, including Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics, Analytical/Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry, Immunology, Microbiology and Pharmacology.
Computing and Informatics -Internationally excellent research impact - The multi-disciplinary research is directed to address important questions and is clustered under three themes: Interactive Systems for cognitive and physical rehabilitation and mental wellbeing, Computational Intelligence and Applications for computationally intelligent methods and techniques, and Intelligent simulation, modelling and networking. Materials and Engineering -Internationally excellent research environment - Our multidisciplinary Materials and Engineering Research is extremely strong in terms of high-quality outputs, income generation, and international impact. Sport, Health and Performance Enhancement (SHAPE) Research Centre -Internationally excellent research outputs - Our Sports Science research is multi-disciplinary and is clustered under a number of themes, driven by the Musculoskeletal Physiology, Sports Performance, Exercise and Health and Sport in Society Research Groups. These research units promote the research excellence and facilities within the School, and stimulate knowledge transfer, innovation and exploitation. They provide strategic direction in research planning and portfolio development, and ensure that mechanisms are in place to nurture research.
Physics and Mathematics - Archeometry and Imaging for Art Conservation, Biomedical Mathematics, Computational Materials Physics and Modelling, Functional and Smart materials (bio, nano, photonic), Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Medical and Materials Imaging, Optoelectronics, Displays and Flexible Electronics, Quantum Information Science, Scientific Computing and Computational Statistics, Sensors, Acoustics and Vibrometry, Surface and Interfacial Science