Technological advances in sensing, mobile communication, computation, imaging, artificial intelligence and many other fields have ushered in a new era for urban mobility. Transportation systems are becoming connected, automated, and electrified, on-demand mobility and delivery services are now ubiquitous in our cities, abundant, real-time traffic data makes possible adaptive congestion management strategies, combined with the near universality of smartphone ownership, these data make multi-modal transit systems possible. However, along with their promises for a better world, these systems pose a number of technological, operational, economic, and social challenges. The gap between technological advancement and its integration to our transportation system infrastructure is still large, concerns about privacy and data ownership abound, the safety of self-driving vehicles is still in question, the decarbonization of transportation systems is lagging behind, and the economic and social impacts of these technologies are yet to be fully understood.
The M.S. in Transportation Systems at NYU aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge to tackle the challenges inherent to this new era of urban mobility. The program, shaped by immersion in one of the largest metropolitan cities in the world, will provide students with a truly multidisciplinary education. They will gain solid technical foundations as transportation engineers, but also engage with other fields such as data science, operations research, economics, and public policy, to solve the pressing urban mobility challenges of the 21st century. Thus, our graduates will be able to bring their talents to engineering and technology companies, public agencies, and academia.
Concentration A: Mobility Systems Engineering
focus on courses in traffic and transit operations, control, and mobility systems design. Students are expected to gain the knowledge and skills to become transportation systems engineers, mobility data scientists, transportation modelers, or traffic engineers.