The Department of Civil and Construction Engineering offers three graduate degree programs, Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Science in Civil Engineering (M.S.), and Doctorate in Civil Engineering (Ph.D.). Students can focus their work in different areas of civil engineering and make use of specialized facilities to complete their work.
Transportation serves society's basic needs for personal travel and transfer of goods. Transportation engineering applies scientific and technical knowledge to provide economical and efficient transportation service that meets societal needs while maintaining compatibility with environmental, energy, and safety goals.
Oregon State University offers a graduate concentration in Transportation Engineering leading to the degrees of Master of Engineering, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy. The program provides the student with skills in planning, construction, design, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems and facilities. The course offerings provide both a broad awareness of transportation concepts and an understanding of scientific and technical knowledge to address transportation problems.
The Department of Civil and Construction Engineering offers three graduate degree programs, Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Science in Civil Engineering (M.S.), and Doctorate in Civil Engineering (Ph.D.). Students can focus their work in seven different areas of civil engineering and make use of specialized facilities to complete their work. Each area of specialization has different requirements for each degree program.The School of Civil and Construction Engineering uses innovative and effective learning methods to train future leaders of architectural, civil, and construction engineering. Committed to pursuing new knowledge, the school works to ensure safe, resilient, and sustainable environments.
Civil engineering is the design, construction, and maintenance of public works, including roads, bridges, harbors, etc. At Oregon State University our programs in civil engineering prepare students to become working professional civil engineering and academic researchers who study civil engineering problems.All undergraduate students upon graduation are eligible to take the National Fundamentals of Engineering, F.E., examination and students with an additional 16 quarter hours of surveying/geomatics courses can take in Oregon the Fundamentals of Surveying, F.S., examination. These examinations are the first step to becoming a licensed Professional Engineer or Professional Surveyor.