Industrial Engineering is the application of science, mathematics, and engineering methods to complex system integration and operation. Because the systems with which they work is so large and complex, industrial engineers (IEs) must develop expertise in a wide variety of disciplines, the ability to work well with people, and a broad, systems perspective.
All IE graduate students learn advanced methods of system integration and operation. As practitioners, MEng and MS graduates analyze and design facilities, material handing systems, manufacturing processes, information systems, and workstations. They also develop, apply, and oversee policies, procedures, and algorithms for production planning, inventory control, resource allocation and scheduling, quality assurance, and supply chain management.
This graduate option within the Industrial Engineering major distinguishes an area of specialization within the broader discipline of industrial engineering. Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE) focuses on the development of reliable, economically competitive, and environmentally benign manufacturing processes and systems. Topical areas include operations research, computer integrated manufacturing, environmentally responsible manufacturing, simulation, and statistical quality engineering.