The student's MS program of study shall be designed to develop a degree of competence in the major area significantly higher than the customary baccalaureate education, and shall include background and adjunct knowledge normally expected of a person entering the professional practice of that specialty. To aid in assuring high standards, the major shall include not less than 15 credit hours of 500-level, non-blanket, CCE courses. (Note: Blanket courses are those numbered 501, 505, 506, and 507.)
Thesis and Non-Thesis Options: The Master's thesis is optional in some programs within CCE, subject to the approval of the student's major professor. In lieu of a thesis, a non-thesis, technical report must be prepared. The Master's thesis option will normally involve 6 to 12 credits of CE 503 (Thesis). The non-thesis option will normally involve 3 to 6 credits of CE 506 (Project), culminating in a technical report.
The graduate program in Water Resources Engineering at Oregon State University emphasizes interdisciplinary research and education on emerging themes related to environmental hydraulics hazards (e.g., floods, explosive air-water geyser flows, etc.), hydroinformatics, water resources systems analysis, watershed hydrology, flood management, green storm water infrastructure, water sustainability, and adaptation planning. The instructional program aims at developing strong abilities to conduct engineering work involving basic concepts and principles, technical analysis, planning, design and management. Our program seeks to enable students to pursue research topics that cross the traditional boundaries of water resources engineering, and to prepare students for leadership positions in academia, private, and public sectors.
The Department of Civil and Construction Engineering offers three graduate degree programs, Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Science in Civil Engineering (M.S.), and Doctorate in Civil Engineering (Ph.D.). Students can focus their work in seven different areas of civil engineering and make use of specialized facilities to complete their work. Each area of specialization has different requirements for each degree program.The mission of the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University is to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art education to prepare students for professional and responsible engineering and constructor positions with business, industry, consulting firms, or government.