Stellar astronomy and astrophysics have a long tradition at Princeton, inaugurated by the pioneering work of Martin Schwarzschild and Bohdan Paczynski in the early years of detailed stellar modeling. The Department maintains this tradition and conducts cutting-edge research across a broad spectrum of modern topics. These include supernova theory (Burrows), compact objects, such as neutron stars, pulsars, magnetars, and black holes (Burrows, Goodman, Quataert, Spitkovsky), star formation (Draine, Kunz, Ostriker, Stone), massive-star evolution, asteroseismology, and stellar mass loss (Quataert), the stellar IMF (Ostriker), gamma-ray bursters (Goodman, Spitkovsky), X-ray bursters (Spitkovsky), brown dwarfs (Burrows, Knapp), white dwarfs (Knapp, Quataert), and astrophysical disks (Draine, Goodman, Kunz, Spitkovsky, Stone). Observational programs employ the Subaru, Apache-Point, MMT, Hubble, JWST, Spitzer, Chandra, and Magellan telescopes and data, and make extensive use of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which Princeton astronomers conceived and developed, and of the Vera Rubin Observatory/LSST. Theoretical projects involve simulations of disk, atmosphere, magnetospheric, plasma, and explosive phenomena, using state-of-the-art computational and modeling tools, detailed physical models, and high-performance computers. Many of the numerical simulations are performed on the Princeton supercomputer clusters of the Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE) and at NSF and DOE National supercomputer centers.