Our BA in Drama with Creative Writing will give you a sound knowledge base in Drama along with the skills and tools needed to develop into a writer. In the Drama part of the course, you will gain a deeper understanding of theatre and performance in a variety of cultures and historical periods, and across a wide range of forms - from plays to experimental perfromance to applied theatre, and more. The Creative Writing section of the course is designed to develop practical writing skills and techniques, and to give you an insight into the process of writing. You will have the opportunity to grow and flourish as a writer, whether in prose fiction, poetry, drama, film or creative non-fiction. You will be taught by some of the world's leading academics and artists, who will help you develop into informed critics, performance makers and writers.
Theatre and related arts organisations, publishing, digital media, communications, print journalism, and the broadcast media are all popular choices for Drama and Creative Writing students who want to use their communication skills. Others use their ability to think and write critically and persuasively to go into public relations, marketing, and advertising, including in the charity sector. Our graduates are highly experienced in working collaboratively, which makes them especially suited to diverse work environments that depend on collaboration and project delivery. In addition, many of our graduates embark upon professional careers in education, the third sector, law and teaching, whilst every year the Department sees a number of students progress to take higher degrees, both at Queen Mary and elsewhere.