Sociology is a discipline concerned with the explanation of social life and human behaviour. It equips students with the skills to understand the breadth of social experience, ranging from the global (including power and politics, religion, conflict and peace, the digital world, climate change, racism, sexism and other forms of inequality) to individual experiences (such as family life, intimacy, emotions, beliefs and mental health). Through theoretical tools and methodological techniques, Sociology at Queen's provides students with a unique way of learning to explain the dynamics of social life as critical and engaged citizens.
Global Opportunities
We have a solid tradition of students undertaking Study Abroad through Erasmus schemes (with universities in Barcelona, Lund in Sweden, Paris, Aix en Provence, in France, Munich and Dusseldorf in Germany, Rotterdam and Nijemegen in the Netherlands, Jyvaskyla in Finland) as well as visiting international students who take Sociology modules, particularly those connected to research expertise for which Queen's is renowned (e.g. Conflict, Ethno-nationality, Family, Inequality, Religion, Social Movements, Social Change).