The Department focuses on the history, theory, and criticism of film, television and new media, and also offers training in the production of film, video and digital media. Through the study of film and television, we address related issues, such as ideology and power, communication, aesthetics, advertising and consumption, economics, and spectatorship. We examine other forms of cultural expression-- literature, painting, music, architecture--as they impact on film and television, and we examine the role of cultural industries and institutions in relation to film.
Although Film and Media is principally an Arts (rather than a Fine Arts) department, media production is central to our curriculum, and is a fundamental means to the achievement of our principal pedagogical goals: cultural awareness and literacy in language, image, sound, and film and video technology. Production as we teach it integrates creative expression, a strong grounding in film history, theory, and criticism, and an acute awareness of cultural issues. This rounded curriculum covers educational areas and skills that prepare students for a variety of professional careers including, but not restricted to, work in the film and television industries.