Build business skills and be able to think creatively and critically, communicate professionally, make ethical business decisions and work in a global context.Develop both practical and theoretical skills in multiple visual communication design specialisations including graphic design, typography, image making, information design, experience design, motion design, branding and interaction design.Visual communication skills combined with business acumen provides a range of unique career opportunities including business analyst for graphic industries, visual communicators in advertising and marketing agencies, digital content designer for a range of business applications.Bachelor of BusinessOur business degree equips you to confidently enter the modern business world. It combines key business research and contemporary business best practice, and sets demanding standards to create your future career options.Develop business skills and be able to think creatively and critically, communicate professionally, make ethical business decisions and work in a global context.Graduate with deep knowledge and experience in your chosen major, equipping you as a professional in your chosen discipline. You can study accounting, advertising, economics, finance, financial planning, human resource management, international business, management, marketing or public relations.Business acumen combined with visual communication skills provides a range of unique career opportunities including business analyst for graphic industries, visual communicators in advertising and marketing agencies, or digital content designer for a range of business applications.Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)This course prepares you to work as a visual communication designer across traditional and new interactive media forms.You will develop both practical and theoretical skills in multiple visual communication design specialisations including graphic design, typography, image making, information design, experience design, motion design, branding and interaction design.Build your expertise in professional studio settings with a focus on both contemporary and emerging design practices, through real-world design projects, a culture of designing for public exhibition, ongoing industry engagement, and a strong foundation of creative experimentation and critical thinking.Graduate industry-ready for multiple future-focused and innovative career paths in communication design fields and related industries.You will develop skills in creative problem solving, critical thinking, technical proficiencies and professional practice that will ensure you can contribute to the field of visual communication in innovative and socially responsible ways.Careers and outcomesVisual communication skills combined with business acumen provides a range of unique career opportunities including business analyst for graphic industries, visual communicators in advertising and marketing agencies, or digital content designer for a range of business applications.Possible careersAccountantAdvertising professionalEconomistFinancial advisoranalystHuman resource managerInternational business specialistManagerMarketing officermanagerMultimedia designerPublic relations officerconsultantWeb designer