This degree provides students with a solid foundation in fundamental theoretical and experimental scientific principles. It is the most popular choice for students preparing for advanced degrees at Rensselaer and elsewhere. The curriculum includes 40 credits of required courses in Physics including a capstone experience that can be fulfilled by completing research or course work. In addition, Physics students must take at least 24 credits in Mathematics, 12 credits in other sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science), plus 24 credits in the humanities and social sciences (HASS).An ability to evaluate the validity and utility of experimental information using logical, mathematical, and statistical tools. An ability to perform scientific calculations and data analysis using computational and mathematical tools. An ability to communicate technical material effectively using both oral and written presentation. An ability to apply knowledge of electromagnetic theory using vector calculus to analyze and model real situations. An ability to apply mechanics and kinematics including the analysis using differential equations and the Lagrangian formulation to address new problems in science and technology. An ability to apply knowledge of basic phenomenology and concepts of quantum, atomic, nuclear, and particle physics along with ability to solve and analyze solutions to the Schrodinger equation to address new problems in science and technology. An ability to apply and synthesize concepts from core mechanics, electromagnetics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics courses in the in-depth study of a specialized field related to Physics such as Condensed Matter Physics, Optical Physics and Photonics, Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Biophysics, Astronomy, or Engineering.
Rensselaer offers undergraduates the opportunity to extend their financial aid and earn both a bachelor's and master's degree in five years. A master's degree is becoming increasingly valuable. A master's degree in physics enables students to round out their educations before embarking on their professional career. Accelerated master's degree programs save the cost and study time of graduate admission tests, application fees, and extra courses. By applying for an accelerated master's program, you can start taking courses toward your master's in your junior or senior year, get dual course credit for both your undergraduate and master's degree, and continue your undergraduate financial aid through your ninth and tenth semesters of study.