Theatre is the study of life and the human condition. Our departmental mission includes offering a diverse program of academic, aesthetic, and pragmatic experiences. The Drama course of study offers both majors and interested students opportunities to perform, design, build, and run theatrical productions. Course topics include Acting I- Beginning Acting, Acting II- Advanced Acting, Introduction to Theatre Appreciation, Stage Makeup, Voice and Articulation, Stagecraft I and II, Oral Interpretation, and Theatre Practicum. Students may earn an Associate of Arts Degree with an emphasis in Drama by completing the drama curriculum identified in the current transfer agreement or by completing the degree requirements listed.
Students in the theatre program engage in real-world application through theatrical productions, participation in Acting, Scenery and Costume Design, Technical Theatre, and the Onstage Drama Club Student Organization. A major in Theatre allows for flexibility in looking for employment. There are limitless possibilities of what kind of career a person could obtain with a focus in this area of study. Performance, Design, Theatre Management, Technical Theatre, Dramaturgy, Parks and Recreation, Radio, Television and Film, Counseling, Law, Arts Management, Primary, Secondary and Higher Education are only a few diverse areas of employment.