Our linguistics programs seek to educate our students and the wider world about the nature, structure, and function of language, one of the most important defining properties of humankind. Because the study of language falls at the crossroads of several disciplines (psychology, social science, cognitive science, philosophy, literary and cultural studies, education, and computer science), linguistics is by nature interdisciplinary, and succeeds best when it integrates a variety of perspectives. Our aim is to provide students with a comprehensive education in linguistics, including an understanding of the diversity of languages throughout the world, including both standard and non-standard varieties, how language is structured, how it is learned, how it changes, and how it enables communication. The language programs in Asian and Middle Eastern languages (Arabic, Chinese, Filipino, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Persian, in alphabetical order) complement the general study of language structure and use, providing students with linguistically-informed instruction that aims to produce communicatively competent users of these languages.