Computer Science is an exciting, challenging, and rewarding field to study. The School of Computing offers a wide-range of courses covering all the major areas of computer science, including programming, database systems, networking, computer graphics, gaming, software engineering, machine learning, computer security, robotics, Web application development, artificial intelligence, computer architecture, and bioinformatics. The Computer Science Program provides cutting edge technology for use by our students in classrooms, hands-on-labs, and research labs.
The School of Computing Computer Science Program offers two-degree programs to undergraduate students - the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Arts.
The Bachelor of Arts degree program is more specifically oriented toward the interdisciplinary aspect of computer science in which students select a secondary concentration such as business, engineering, science, education, liberal arts, or mass communication. Pre-med, pre-law, or a minor in any of the above areas may fully or partially satisfy this requirement depending on credit hours. One possible secondary concentration in the area of business applications is designed to enable students to pursue a fifth year of studies leading to an MBA degree.