One of Canada’s oldest and most prestigious universities, St. Francis Xavier is consistently ranked the best undergraduate university in Canada. Founded in 1853, St. Francis Xavier is the first university in Canada to have a formal Service Learning program. StFX values community development, social justice and global awareness. It is home to the internationally-recognized Coady International Institute, and students find leadership development opportunities here that they can apply in all aspects of their lives. StFX attracts about half of its student population from outside the Atlantic region, which allows university to benefit from a community that reflects nearly every corner of the world. The university offers extensive programming options with flexibility of choosing courses and deciding distinct and unique route to success.
There are many ways to get involved at StFX. In fact, the university fosters involvement from students as recognition that learning and personal growth happens both in and outside of the classroom. Students could edit the school newspaper, get on-air experience at the student-run radio station, join the skydiving society, go rock climbing, volunteer, get involved in a range of sport and recreational activities, and much more. There is something for everyone.
Students at StFX lead active lives and can skate, swim, walk the track, and take advantage of nearby mountain biking trails, hike the highlands or stroll one of the many area beaches. The university offers the state-of-the-art Keating Centre, with two ice surfaces, a gym, yoga studio, aerobics and dance classes, Oland Centre, featuring a pool and two gyms and a full schedule of recreation and intramural activities.
StFX is located in the beautiful and historic town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, a 15-minute drive from the ocean and the highlands and two-hour drive to major urban centres. Students have been falling in love with Antigonish since StFX moved here more than a century and a half ago. Whether gathering for a post-exam meal at Gabrieau’s Bistro on Main Street, blowing off a little steam at The Tall and Small Café, enjoying a moment of self-reflection on the Brierly Brook bridge, or taking part in the thrilling Highland Games, the young men and women who attend StFX are as proud of their adopted town as they are of their school.