The Department of Chemistry offers an intensive, accelerated, combined degree program leading to both the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and the Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in five years of full time study. You may qualify for the program if you have completed your junior year with a 3.0 cumulative index and a 3.0 index in Chemistry courses applicable to the major.
With both a bachelor's and master's degree in Chemistry from St. John's, youll be desirable to employers in and beyond science. Youll be eligible for careers in exciting areas of growth, including:
Industrial Chemistry: Research and development, quality control and production, technical sales, marketing and support
Technology: Forensic science, biotechnology, nanotechnology, toxicology, environmental science, petroleum chemistry, food chemistry, cosmetic chemistry, dietary science
Health Professions: Medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, medical technology
Government: National laboratory research, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Food and Drug Administration, Homeland Security
Academia: Faculty and technical support staff
Chemical Information: Science writing, science librarianship, abstracting, publishing, editing, museums, science centers
Intellectual Property Law: Patents