The French section provides students with the opportunity to pursue course work at all levels in French language, literature, cultural and intellectual history, theory, film, and Francophone studies. It understands the domain of French Studies as encompassing the complex of cultural, political, social, scientific, commercial, and intellectual phenomena associated with French-speaking parts of the world, from France and Belgium to Canada, Africa, and the Caribbean. The Italian section offers graduate and programs in Italian language, literature, culture, and intellectual history. Course offerings range from small, specialized graduate seminars to general courses open to all students on authors such as Dante, Boccaccio, and Machiavelli. The Department of French and Italian's intellectual vibrancy is embodied by its graduate programs, which welcome every year exceptional students in French, Italian, or French and Italian. All students admitted to the Ph.D. programs are provided with 5 years of funding, including summers, that cover tuition costs, health insurance, a yearly travel and research fund, and a salary in the form of a fellowship or teaching assistantship.