This option is concerned with how environmental policies, plans, and laws from the local to the global are created, implemented and contested. It emphasizes legislative, regulatory, and collaborative approaches to addressing environmental issues. Policies are guidelines for action. They can be in the form of laws, regulations, treaties, agreements, prescribed practices, professional standards, corporate strategies, operating procedures and personal codes of conduct. Studies will focus on how policies come to be, how they are implemented, enforced, evaluated, and affirmed, rejected or revised. Environmental planning encompasses plan formulation to implementation. As environmental problems grow more complex and urgent, the need has grownfor professionals in government, advocacy, business, education and the laws resulting in a sound understanding of the policy process in its many dimensions and a clear grasp of the interdependencies between ecological and social systems. Policy and planning approaches increasingly involve public-private collaborations of diverse actors and stakeholders who address the unique environmental, legal, social and cultural components of the resource systems to be managed.