In addition to coursework in the liberal arts, you will study in a certification area (biology, chemistry, earth sciences, English, French, German, mathematics, physics, social studies or Spanish) as well as in other arts and sciences support areas. To teach at this level, you would become proficient in your discipline, learning theories and adolescent development.
Field placements, usually starting your junior year, in diverse school settings prepare you for the head of the class. Our Clinical Practice and Partnerships Office can connect you with opportunities to learn in and lead classrooms in a diverse offering of locations. Many of our students are placed in regional schools throughout Central New York or urban centers that include Syracuse, Rochester and New York City. The Curriculum and Instruction Department offers programs that lead to the Bachelor of Science degree and recommendation for NYS initial teaching certification in Childhood 1-6 areas of The Arts, English, French, German, mathematics, science, social studies, Spanish, and women's studies, Adolescence 7-12 in the certification areas of biology, chemistry, earth sciences, English, French, German, mathematics, physics, social studies, or Spanish, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) K-12. All programs offer candidates the opportunity to experience coursework in pedagogy and a variety of coursework in the content areas. Candidates in the Adolescence 7-12 programs and TESOL K-12 are encouraged to consider completing a second major in the area of their concentration.