Welcoming graduates from all subject areas, this course exploits and encapsulates the knowledge you have acquired from any degree background into a VR environment that can be deployed in an exciting, interactive and immersive way for commercial, medical, research, educational or even entertainment purposes, broadening your intellectual skills from a narrower base of undergraduate knowledge into a multidisciplinary skill set. Welcoming graduates from all subject areas, this course exploits and encapsulates the knowledge you have acquired from any degree background into a VR environment that can be deployed in an exciting, interactive and immersive way for commercial, medical, research, educational or even entertainment purposes, broadening your intellectual skills from a narrower base of undergraduate knowledge into a multidisciplinary skill set. Provide graduates with an overview of XR technology and applications, Enable graduates to understand and apply modern VR technology in the context of social, economic and technical challenges and to take a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to problem solving, Define and develop effective computer based applications, Enable graduates to reflect on the importance and individual strengths and weaknesses in entrepreneurial and innovative thinking and to effectively utilise idea generation and problem solving techniques, Explore theoretical views on media, marketing, culture and human centred design through the project design process, Engage with organisations effectively to develop project plans and Develop graduates with a fundamental understanding of project management.
It is hard to think of an area of human activity or interest which would not benefit from VR in some way. Numerous industries have already adopted VR practices and as a result are all future employers in this industry. At present, there is a real shortage of VR specialists, especially individuals with additional subject expertise e.g., engineering, science, business, and arts and humanities. This is hampering industry growth. Our aim is to satisfy this shortage by producing experts who are already qualified to degree level in one discipline but who also possess the highly desirable skill of creating their own original VR applications.