Politics with international relations is an incredibly diverse and varied subject. At Teesside you explore vital issues such as political violence, international relations, political ideologies, gender and politics, political communications, revolution, fascism, social movements, and electoral and parliamentary politics in the UK and US.
You gain transferable skills, experience and knowledge to understand and influence the world around you for careers in frontline politics, the civil service, international organisations, local government, law, accountancy, social work, librarianship, journalism, public relations, teaching, retail management and the third sector.
You develop high level communication skills in a range of verbal and written forms, critical thinking, analysis and time-management. You learn frameworks and concepts to be able to explain and practice politics with international relations in the outside world.
The teaching team are widely published academics and current politicians, meaning you study contemporary events alongside historic ones. You are assigned a personal tutor, undertake practical skills sessions, and can take a bespoke employability module with the option of work-experience in a politics field with an external partner.