The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Computer Science is an accelerated 1 degree program within the College of Science and Technology. High achieving Computer Science majors with at least 4 semesters at Temple are qualified to apply to the 1 program. Temple's B.S. in Computer Science provides an in-depth study of the science of computing, including mathematical/theoretical foundations as well as systems and application software development. Students take electives (4-5 courses) in topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, computer vision, graphics, game programming, bioinformatics, databases, big data, mobile and web application development, cloud computing, high performance computing, wireless and sensor networks, network and information security, and digital forensics. The M.S. in Computer Science emphasizes a general approach to the study of computing, including courses in artificial intelligence, collaborative systems, computer architecture, database systems, graphics and image processing, networking and communications, operating systems, software engineering, and theoretical areas. The curriculum is not oriented toward any specific applications area of computing but emphasizes general graduate-level studies in computing, preparing students for careers in systems analysis, teaching, and research.