The M.S. program is aimed at broad interdisciplinary training in the major areas of Biomedical Sciences. The goal is to train students in the theory and practice of Biomedical Sciences for eventual service in research and teaching. Students are instructed in diverse laboratory techniques through a series of lecture and laboratory courses, and provided with a program of experimental research for thesis students under the guidance of a faculty member. Two options are available: Thesis Track, with a transcripted concentration in the area of thesis research. Five areas of concentration or clusters are available: Cancer Biology and Genetics, Infectious Disease and Immunity, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Neuroscience, and Organ Systems and Translational Medicine. Students complete and defend a master's thesis under the supervision of a faculty member. Non-Thesis Track, which is in General Biomedical Sciences. Students complete didactic coursework in each of the five cluster areas. This interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences graduate program offers five areas of concentration for students who plan to earn the M.S. with a thesis: Cancer Biology and Genetics, Infectious Disease and Immunity, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Neuroscience, Organ Systems and Translational Medicine
The Organ Systems and Translational Medicine (OSTM) cluster is designed to provide student training at the interface between biology and medicine. The OSTM cluster provides educational and research opportunities for PhD, MD/PhD and MS students within the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University's Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. OSTM faculty are from a variety of basic science departments, including Anatomy and Cell Biology, Pharmacology and Physiology, research centers (Cardiovascular Research, Translational Medicine, Inflammation, Translational and Clinical Lung Research, Thrombosis Research) and clinical departments. The OSTM cluster promotes collaborations between clinical and basic scientists and offers an interdisciplinary training environment for students interested in translational biology. Research programs available for trainees include cardiovascular disease, vascular biology, molecular pharmacology, metabolic disorders, stem cell biology, and lung and skeletal muscle function and dysfunction.