Data science is a multifaceted, interdisciplinary field that employs techniques and theories drawn from the broad areas of computer and information science, mathematics, and statistics, and applies them to a wide range of data-rich domains such as biomedical science, business, education, engineering, geoscience, physical science, and social science. The M.S. in Computational Data Science is designed for students interested in developing expertise in data science with a specialization in computational analytics. The goal is to enable students to analyze large quantities of data to discover new knowledge and facilitate decision-making. To accomplish this, the program provides students with a strong foundation in big data management and analysis, algorithmic, computational, and statistical thinking, and an understanding of computer systems. Research interests of faculty include: Analysis of algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Communication and networks, Computer architecture, Data analytics, Digital forensics, Expert systems, Flexible and intelligent manufacturing systems, Graphics, High-performance computing, Information security and assurance, Intelligent CAI systems, Management information and database systems, Natural language processing, Network security, Parallel and distributive processing and operating systems, Programming languages, Sensory and image processing, Software engineering, Theory of automata and computation, Wired and wireless networks
Extract knowledge from big data with the Master of Science in Computational Data Science in Temple's College of Science and Technology. You can enroll in the 30-credit-hour degree program as a part- or full-time student. Once you graduate, youll be prepared to fill the growing demand for data scientists in a range of industries from education to government. The program will also ready you for further graduate studies, research positions or teaching careers.