The computer science degree program is applied in nature and is designed to prepare students to begin or advance computing careers in business, industry, government, or education, or to pursue further study in computer science. The curriculum is thorough, current, and oriented toward the technical competencies required of a modern computer professional with emphasis on the development, evaluation, and integration of software systems. The mission of the Computer Science program is to educate undergraduate and graduate students in the principles of computer science and to extend the understanding and use of those principles by conducting research and service in support of the people and economy of south Texas, the state of Texas as a whole, and the nation, consistent with the program's function within a Hispanic-serving institution.
Based on the mission statements of the university, college, department, and program, we have derived the following objectives for the computer science undergraduate program. The objectives are to graduate students from the baccalaureate program in computer science who: Contribute productively in a computer science discipline using state of the art technologies and progress towards their career goals and/or pursue their academic goals in graduate education. Communicate effectively and interact or collaborate productively with team members of diverse backgrounds, such as race, religion, culture, ethnicity, and gender. Continually improve their knowledge and skills in technical areas and broadening their global perspective of the field of computer science. Uphold and enhance their sense of professional ethics and responsibilities towards individuals, organizations, and society.
In order to prepare students to attain the program educational objectives, the BS CS degree program has been structured to ensure that all students, by the time of their graduation, will have been enabled to meet the following outcomes: Analyze a complex computing problem, and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program's discipline. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program's discipline.
This option is for those who intend to pursue careers as game programmers. The degree program has an emphasis on the skills necessary for creating and programing computer games.