The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree with a major in Adult, Professional, and Community Education (APCE) is designed for individuals in a variety of educational roles who wish to develop and refine their abilities to provide leadership for educational excellence. The program prepares education professionals to individually and collaboratively engage in reflective and ethical practice as they foster the development of individual learners as well as existing and emerging learning communities, including schools, post-secondary institutions, workplaces, and community-based organizations.
The degree completion rate is approximately 30% above the national average. The adult education faculty is internationally recognized for scholarship and leadership. The program cultivates a supportive and diverse learning community, with faculty working together on community engagement projects, research and presentations, and publishing in local, national and international venues. Students and alumni regularly receive national and international awards for their practice and research. They teach and hold leadership positions in government, business, higher education and community organizations.
Career Options:
Graduates from the APCE program design, deliver, manage and evaluate adult learning in many settings, including not-for-profit organizations, government agencies, post-secondary education, healthcare organizations, business, adult basic education and ESL programs, international organizations and the military. They work as faculty, program coordinators, directors, scholars, administrators, executives, researchers, planners, learning specialists and organizational developers.