The BDesBSc conjoint focuses on developing practical solutions for the future. We may not know the challenges and possibilities to be brought about by future technologies, but through scientific investigation, prototyping and testing, we can prepare to meet them head-on. Within the BSc side of the conjoint, you can follow your interests in earth, chemical, computational, human, life, mathematical or physical sciences. The BDes component will encourage inquiry and the testing of outcomes to create appropriate, sustainable solutions for products, services and innovation. The ability to respond to market trends and stay ahead of competitors sees companies investing heavily in design teams. The viability of solutions and innovations of the future will depend on data and scientific research. In-depth knowledge of scientific disciplines brings a level of authority and widens the potential impact on solutions in business, community, government and health.
Mathematics has many faces. It can be challenging, powerful, fascinating, even mysterious – but above all it is useful. Mathematics makes essential contributions to the biological, information and physical sciences, economics, engineering and finance, but can also be applied to communications, linguistics and genetics. Wherever problems need to be solved, mathematics has a role to play. For this reason, Mathematics is an excellent major in its own right, or as a second major or supporting subject for many other disciplines.